The Concert Band program at Canobolas Public School started in 2003 with a small number of students from Years 2 to 6. The current program has about 90% participation from Years 3-6!
Orange High School's Rachel Rule is the Band Director supported by Mark Root.
The school's concert band program includes these instruments: percussion, brass (trumpet, trombone, horn) and woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone) and bass guitar.
Over the years the band has been invited to play at the Australian National Field Days opening, the Western Region launch of Education Week and at a variety of school events.
The band fees for 2025 are $65 per term. The instrument hire fee for school instruments is $40 per term.
The band program's success depends on a commitment from both the student and the family to regular, purposeful practice - playing the instrument at home. As the student improves, more time will be spent playing at home. Some students have private lessons outside of school hours.
The band program is divided into three broad groups. Students move from one group to the next on merit.
Beginner Band
This group of children are new to their instruments and are typically from years 3 and 4.
Transition Band
This group comprises students who have demonstrated a commitment to music through home practice, positive attitude to learning and regular attendance. They are able to play from a range of music.
Concert Band
Students in the concert band (or Big Band) play a range of music to a high standard. They play at home several times a week...some as much as every day!